Provide Water Storage in Mbeya
As the year winds to a close, I cannot help but think about all of the people you and I have helped during these past 12 months. Without a doubt, together we have made an incredible difference in the lives of some of Africa’s most needy men, women and children. Let me give you a glimpse of what we have accomplished with your help as partners in our mission.
Dear John,
As the year winds to a close, I cannot help but think about all of the people you and I have helped during these past 12 months. Without a doubt, together we have made an incredible difference in the lives of some of Africa’s most needy men, women and children. Let me give you a glimpse of what we have accomplished with your help as partners in our mission.
Last January, because of your generosity, we were able to raise more than $30,000 to help one of our missionaries, Brother Trevor Robinson, purchase the materials needed to build “wheelchair tricycles” for handicapped individuals living in Tamale, Ghana, in West Africa.
When I wrote to you last spring and shared with you a letter from Fr. Victor Lijaji — one of our missionaries working in Tanzania in East Africa — you responded with incredible kindness and caring. As a result, we were able to send Fr. Victor a much needed donation that was used to help cover the costs of the construction costs of expanding as well as the necessary medical equipment (including laboratory equipment and supplies) for the medical clinic in Dar-es-Salaam.
And earlier this past fall, together you and I helped provide Brother James Makovo — a missionary working among the children St. George’s Orphanage in Oyugis, Kenya — with the funds needed to purchase maize, beans, cooking oil, sugar, and firewood for the coming year. In all, we were able to raise more than $32,000 to help St. George’s Orphanage as well as other missions throughout East Africa that are providing outreach to needy boys and girls.
Your generosity overwhelms me. What a blessing you have been!
In the midst of this season of giving, though, I cannot help but think about the many people who continue to need our help — like Fr. Roland Dubourt’s mission in Mbeya, Tanzania. Recently, I received a letter from Fr. Roland — one of our missionaries who has spent much of his life working among the poor.
Today, Fr. Roland works at Ikuti Secondary School in rural Mbeya in East Africa. “We desperately need a water storage system,” Fr. Roland explains in his letter. And with more than 1,200 boys and girls attending the school, Fr. Roland’s concern is certainly understandable.
“Mbeya has one rainy season with the heaviest rains falling between December and March,” he continues. “After that, rainfall is sketchy in the late spring and can be non-existent from May until October.”
“As I write this letter to you, the school does not have piped in water. It is our hope to build a water storage tank which will hold 12,000 gallons of rainwater. We will catch the rainwater which runs off of the roof of the school buildings during the rainy season and store it for use during the dry season.”
“This will ensure our students, faculty, staff and even the local villagers of a source of water throughout the year. Is there any way you can help us?”
My friend, I am sure that you know from my past letters to you that the need for water is paramount among the towns and villages of East Africa. Life is essentially impossible without a source of clean water. That is why — whenever I receive a plea for water — I try to respond to the need as quickly as possible. This is the final request you will receive from our missionaries this year. And I cannot think of one that is more deserving.
As I have said before, it is your kindness, your caring, and your generosity that have enabled us to reach out to so many this past year. Will you help one more time? I am hoping that we can raise at least $46,000 to help complete the water storage project at Fr. Roland’s school in Mbeya as well as provide assistance with other requests for water throughout Africa — but if that is going to happen, we really need your help. For whatever amount you can send — for whatever you can do, please accept my most sincere thanks.