
Food insecurity is skyrocketing around the world and Africa has been particularly vulnerable to it. Reports indicate that 282 million people in Africa suffered from hunger in 2020. That number has increased by 46 million people in the past few years as a result of wars, the COVID-19 pandemic, and drought. Increasing fuel and food prices are turning chronic problems into tragedies.
The Missionaries of Africa are helping to address food insecurity and hunger in two ways. First, the U.S. Missionaries of Africa support programs that feed people. These programs range from providing relief to refugees to school lunch programs to aid people forced to live in extreme poverty. Secondly, we are increasing our support for programs that address food insecurity. These programs often assist co-ops and other community agricultural initiatives aimed at increasing the supply and lowering the price of local food in different parts of Africa. Most of these programs will become self-sustaining after the initial support.
Sample of efforts supported by U.S. Missionaries of Africa with the help of their donors:
Support Displaced Families
Bringing Hope to the Sahel Region
West Africa
Feeding Orphaned Children
St. Francis Technical Training Institute
Asumbi, Kenya
Emergency Humanitarian Crisis