Bring Solar Energy to Remote Tanzania

Tanzania, a rural country that does whatever they can to survive, is in desperate need of clean energy. They are perfect candidates for solar energy, but cannot do the work to install solar panels and purchase materials without your help.
The solar energy power would allow them to live life more fully, including running facilities and schools to help progress their area. But they need our help to raise donations to get this project off the ground.
Fortunately, something as simple as a donation is a step in the right direction. Read the full appeal and donate today!
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good dead in a weary world.
William Shakespeare
Dear Mr. Doe,
I think that many people would agree that we live in a “weary world.” The global economy continues to fluctuate. There is uncertainty regarding the future of our country — and those running for political office all promise to make life better. But at the same time, there is truth in that even the smallest amount of light in a dark situation often provides hope. How appropriate Shakespeare’s words seem to be for our world today! Let me explain further.
Not long ago, I received a letter from Sr. Aquila Tarino — a missionary Sister living and working in the village of Zinga — in the Bagomoyo district of Tanzania in East Africa. There Sr. Aquila and a number of other missionary Sisters operate a children’s nursery, primary school and a vocational training program for young girls who are desperately trying to find jobs.
Zinga and the surrounding area are situated in a rural part of Tanzania. Throughout the region, the vast majority of people — by any standards — are extremely poor. They survive by growing whatever food they can. In essence, families do whatever they can to get by.
“Our Sisters came here to serve the poor,” Sr. Aquila explains. “And in order for people to break free from poverty, they need an education — and after an education, they need jobs. We are doing all that we can to prepare them for whatever job they can possibly get. One of the problems, though,” Sr. Aquila continues, “is that we have been trying to do all of this without electricity! Ever since our mission was built, we have not had electricity to operate lights nor run any machinery.”
“While we have managed for a long time to get by without it, these days, when computers for classrooms, televisions, and projectors are an integral part of education — electricity is not just a convenience, it’s a necessity!”
“Electricity in this part of the world is difficult to get,” she continues. “We are just too far away to be on any grid. But since we are in a region where the sun shines so consistently, solar energy is an option for us. It is expensive but if people help us, we can do it!”
“We have contacted a company in Dar-es- Salaam (Tanzania’s largest city) that can construct the support frames as well as provide us with solar panels, batteries for energy storage, cables and any other necessary materials. Is there some way you can help us?”
As I read Sr. Aquila’s letter, I could not help but wonder what life has been like in their mission for so very long — without electricity. But then I began to consider what a difference a “good deed” (as Shakespeare pointed out) could do not only for the Sisters in the mission, but for the school children and others in the community as well. You and I both know that even one small deed — however insignificant it may seem — can make a lasting change!
Will you consider doing something good to make a difference in the lives of those in our missions as well as those in your own neighborhood?
One way thing that you could do within your own neighborhood is to ask community leaders to install energy-efficient lights on side streets — making communities safer. Additionally, you could make a difference by conserving energy as well. Remembering to turn off lights in rooms that are not being occupied saves energy and helps everyone in a variety of ways!
You can also send a donation to help us provide Sr. Aquila’s mission with the solar panels and other materials needed for getting a source of electricity. While my hope is that we can raise at least $37,500 for the mission in Zinga as well as our other projects throughout East Africa, please know that any gift you can send — whether it is $75, $100, $60, $25 or some other amount — will quite literally bring light to those who are struggling in darkness. God bless you for your kindness!