URGENT APPEAL: Feed the hungry in South Sudan!

I am writing to you today with an urgent request. In February the UN formally declared that there is a famine in South Sudan. That means there is a widespread scarcity of food – a desperate situation in which many people do not have enough to eat. Father Wani, one of our missionaries in Sudan, sent an urgent plea for help. “The independence of South Sudan, which generated much hope for.
"The famine in South Sudan was a long time in the making. It is a human-made tragedy. The South Sudanese people face tremendous risks and unimaginable misery."
Father James Wani, M.Afr. in Sudan
I am writing to you today with an urgent request. In February the UN formally declared that there is a famine in South Sudan. That means there is a widespread scarcity of food – a desperate situation in which many people do not have enough to eat. Father Wani, one of our missionaries in Sudan, sent an urgent plea for help. “The independence of South Sudan, which generated much hope for.
Father Wani, one of our missionaries in Sudan, sent an urgent plea for help. “The independence of South Sudan, which generated much hope for freedom and better living conditions, caused a massive return of the South Sudanese to the country. Their hope in having independence did not last long and the country plunged into an ethnic war. Thousands have been horribly massacred. The people are cut off from their land, livelihoods and even aid.”
“Civilians are dying by the scores,” Father Wani continued. “They are attacked when they go out in search of food. They are in a hopeless situation and in need of immediate assistance.”
According to UN reports, 100,000 people are on the verge of starvation. And 4.9 million people – more than 40% of South Sudan’s population – are in need of urgent help. As one human family, we need your assistance today! Every minute we lose means someone goes empty-handed, a child is uprooted from family, or farmers are attacked as they go into the fields to harvest what little food is there.
First, please pray for our missionaries and the South Sudanese – that one day soon they will find hope and peace. And, then, I ask you to please help with whatever donation you can make to this urgent appeal. Every dollar makes a difference.
“To save their lives, many South Sudanese have fled back to Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda. They arrive with nothing except hope in their hearts,” wrote Father Wani.
“Our parish, St. Stephen’s in Khartoum, Sudan, hosts 15,000 faithful, living in wretched conditions. Most of them have lost their parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives. They lack the basic necessities to live. Our youth have been uprooted by violence and robbed of their futures.” “Our priority is to help these children, teenagers, and vulnerable families. They’ve had little education, few resources, and are emotionally drained. Our priests are pulled in many directions because the people are in need of our spiritua1, moral, and social support. We need help.
“Our priority is to help these children, teenagers, and vulnerable families. They’ve had little education, few resources, and are emotionally drained. Our priests are pulled in many directions because the people are in need of our spiritual, moral, and social support. We need help.”
Right now, Father Wani – and our missionaries serving with him – are stretched thin. With our prayers, we can lend them support and hope they continue to be strengthened. But your financial support is also VERY IMPORTANT and URGENTLY needed. Providing even the bare necessities to live cannot be accomplished unless we all join together in this endeavor. Our goal is to raise $43,000 immediately. I hope we can count on you.
As the weather gets a little warmer and you begin to spend more time outside, you’ll probably be seeing more of your neighbors. Offer them a kind word and a warm smile. Do it as a gesture in remembrance of the South Sudanese – sharing hope.
Thank you for your immediate generosity. This is an urgent need!
Your Missionary Friend,
Denis P. Pringle
Director of Development