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Feed Thousands of Orphans in Nairobi

2019_08 Appeal (Small)

One of the things your past financial support has helped with the most has been our work with children — especially orphans. Whenever children lose their parents, it is a tragedy. But when there are no real “safety nets” — such as public welfare services for children or programs that provide food, clothing and shelter for boys and girls who have no one to care for them — the death of a parent can mean near starvation for little children. That’s why I am writing this letter to you.

“We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers!”

1 Thessalonians 1:2

I share the above sentiments with you just as St. Paul shared them with his friends in Thessalonica, Greece, nearly two thousand years ago. Just as his heart was overwhelmed at the kindness of those who shared what they had with those in need, our Missionaries are grateful for all that you continue to do for the poor, the needy and those who are suffering. What a blessing you are!

One of the Sisters distributing bananas
and eggs to some of the orphans.

One of the things your past financial support has helped with the most has been our work with children — especially orphans. Whenever children lose their parents, it is a tragedy. But when there are no real “safety nets” — such as public welfare services for children or programs that provide food, clothing and shelter for boys and girls who have no one to care for them — the death of a parent can mean near starvation for little children. That’s why I am writing this letter to you.

Recently, I received a letter from Sr. Mary Wambui, a Missionary Sister living in Nairobi, Kenya. There, Sr. Mary works to provide food for some of the thousands of orphans living in the Kware slums just outside of Nairobi’s city limits. In addition to having lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS, many of the children Sr. Mary feeds are also sick.

Some of the orphans enjoying their meal in a classroom.

“Our objective,” Sr. Mary writes, “is not only to feed the children but to train adult caregivers in understanding the value of good nutrition for children living with chronic illness. This enables them to continue taking their medication and to continue in school.” “The Feeding Program was started due to the ongoing drought that is causing famine and hunger among the poor,” her letter continues. “This in turn is causing a crisis in the slums — as the number of people coming here continues to increase. For this reason, we began mobilizing adults to support the poor with food.”

“Many of the adults take turns cooking while others help clean up and serve the children. Providing food for the orphans helps the children stay in school — so as to give them hope for a better future. We are currently serving meals to more than 200 children every day.”

“While we have adults to help prepare the meals and clean, we still need ongoing assistance purchasing food. More than 4,000 boys and girls have come through our program since we began serving children. It is only through the generosity of friends and strangers that we are able to continue providing meals to orphans who might otherwise starve. I hope you can help us.” The need for food among Nairobi’s orphans is tremendous! Will you help us reach out to those who are hungry — both here in the U.S. as well as the children in Kenya?

Some of the youngest orphans having a meal together.

One way you can help is to make a donation of canned goods and other non-perishable food items to your local food pantry. The demand on community food programs often increases as the weather gets colder. You could also volunteer to help serve meals at a local soup kitchen or shelter. Life only gets better for us and for those in need when we reach out to help one another.

I am also hoping that you will send a donation to help provide food for the children in Sr. Mary’s program. While our goal is to raise at least $35,000 for this and other projects of the Missionaries of Africa that help the poor, please know that any amount you send will make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering. God bless you for your kindness!


Your Missionary Friend,

Denis P. Pringle
Director of Development