Give the Gift of Education to Children in Burundi
A few weeks ago, I received a letter from Fr. Marc Nsanzurwimo, a Missionary of Africa priest working in Burundi, one of Africa’s smallest countries. Fr. Marc lives in the Buyenzi sector of Bujumbura — Burundi’s largest city. There, Fr. Marc is in charge of a mission that comprises not only a church but a large school as well.
“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom....”
George Washington Carver
As we continue to wrestle with and work to recover from the effects of the global health crisis, please know that our Missionaries are quite aware of the strain COVID-19 has placed on nearly every aspect of our lives. That is why you and your loved ones remain in the Mass intentions of the Missionaries of Africa. Additionally, without your support, much of our work would no longer be possible. Quite honestly, you are critical to making the world a better place. Students attending class in the Parish School.
A few weeks ago, I received a letter from Fr. Marc Nsanzurwimo, a Missionary of Africa priest working in Burundi, one of Africa’s smallest countries. Fr. Marc lives in the Buyenzi sector of Bujumbura — Burundi’s largest city. There, Fr. Marc is in charge of a mission that comprises not only a church but a large school as well.
Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world — ranking 185th out of 189 countries in the 2019 Human Development Index. Additionally, for more than 20 years, much of Burundi was ravaged by war and civil unrest. Recent years, though, have seen formerly warring groups begin to work together to give Burundi’s people hope for a better life — but the road will be a long one.
Currently, more than 65 percent of the people of Burundi live in poverty. Additionally, Burundi is among those countries struggling most with food crises — with levels similar to Somalia. Half of the population is chronically food insecure in a country where the total annual production of food would only last for 55 days for each person.
Students taking time out to play!“We know the value of education in providing our children with a better life,” Fr. Marc wrote recently.“But since Buyenzi is one of the poorest and most densely populated communities in Bujumbura — the challenges facing our children are major obstacles to learning.”
“For these reasons, we are working to build both a science laboratory and a library for our students. With more than 1,300 students now attending our school– and that number is increasing every year — we need to get started. The situation will grow more desperate with each passing year. We hope you can help us.”
Fr. Marc’s letter makes it quite clear how critical education is for all children. Education truly is “the key to the golden door of freedom.” With that in mind, I would encourage you to consider ways in which you could help with the education of children in your own community. Whether it is volunteering to read to kindergartners in your local elementary school — or even donating gently used books to a local library, no effort is too small when it comes to helping children get the education they deserve.
I am also hoping that you will make a donation to help Fr. Marc’s school in Buyenzi build the science lab and library that the children urgently need. While my hope is that we can raise at least $42,000 for this project and other educational programs throughout East Africa, please know that any amount you send will be used to help give hope to those in need.
Your Missionary Friend,
Denis P. Pringle
Director of Development