Superior General Reelected

On Thursday, May 26, 2022, the 29th General Chapter of the Society of Missionaries of Africa re-elected Father Stanley Lubungo as General Superior of the Society. Our sincere fraternal congratulations and thanks to Stan for accepting and continuing to serve the Society and the Church as Superior General for Africa and the African World. Father Lubungo is a native of Zambia, and was ordained in 1997. He was originally elected Superior General in 2016 and re-elected in 2022 to a second six year term.
Joining Father Lubungo on the General Council are:
- Father. Francis Bomansaan, (Ghana) Vicar General.
- Father Leo Laurence Maria Joseph (India)
- Father Anselme K.A. Tarpaga (Burkina Faso)
- Father Pawel Hulecki (Poland)
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Friends of Hope

To preach… to teach… to heal… to build.
That is what we have been doing since 1868, and with your help today, we are able to keep doing this; spreading the message of hope to our brothers and sisters in Africa who are the poorest of the poor.